Women’s Health Screenings

Women are often the last one in the family to focus on their health. Their own healthcare needs are pushed to the bottom of the list as they focus on caring for others. Check out these screenings and make sure you are up to date!

*While these are guidelines for most, your physician may recommend testing and/or screening more often if you have a family history of certain diseases and/or your current health status requires it.

Annual Wellness Exam: Every year to ensure you are up to date with vaccinations and health screenings.

Cholesterol Screening: Every 4-6 years starting at age 20.

Blood Glucose Test: Starting at age 45, and every 3 years after that. Screenings may begin earlier if you are at risk for diabetes.

Mammograms: Starting at age 40. If you have family history of breast cancer, your physician may recommend a mammogram earlier and more frequently.

Cervical Cancer Screening: Every 3 years starting at age 21. If you have family history of cervical cancer, your physician may recommend cervical cancer screening more often.

Bone Density Test: Every 2-3 years starting at age 60-65 depending on your physician’s recommendation. Screenings may begin earlier if you have certain risk factors, such as family history, low body weight, smoking or thyroid disease.

Mental Health: Talk with your doctor about any mental or emotional concerns you have such as anxiety, depression, addiction, or eating disorders.

At Jackson Healthcare for Women, we can handle all these screenings for you. Call us today to schedule your visit (601) 936-9190 or visit our appointment request page here.

About Jackson Healthcare for Women

Jackson Healthcare for Women is Mississippi’s leading provider of health care services for women. With 15 physicians on staff, Jackson Healthcare for Women is one of the largest and most respected women’s healthcare clinics in the area.


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