Healthy Holidays


The holidays are a time for friends and family, but they can also be stressful. If you’re trying to stick to a healthy diet, here are some tips for making sure your food choices don’t derail your health goals:

Choose your indulgences.

If you are a big fan of pecan pie, try to balance your dinner with options such as fresh vegetables, turkey, fruit, and side dishes that aren’t cooked with extra fats and sugars. Every calorie counts, so if you can save at dinner, you’ll have more to use at dessert.

Bring your own dish.

There is a plethora of healthy alternatives to traditional holiday dishes. Do some research online and see if you can find an alternative to your favorite holiday delicacy. Cook the recipe and bring it to your dinner. This way, you know there is one dish you can enjoy without worrying about overdoing it.

Visit the people, not the food.

Take a break during your meal and talk to a friend or family member you haven’t seen in a while. The holidays are about being with those you love as well as the food. Make time to visit and get that quality time in. This will give your body time to begin digesting what you’ve eaten, which a few minutes later may reflect a clearer picture of your level of fullness than if you had not stopped to take a break while eating.

Don’t skip meals before your holiday meal. Eat until you are full and not stuffed.

Holiday food is delicious. We can’t argue with that sentiment. Don’t save up your calories by skipping breakfast and lunch to binge at Thanksgiving dinner. This will cloud your ability to judge when you’ve had enough. If you take breaks throughout your meal and eat slowly, you’ll feel fuller sooner and by having a healthy breakfast and lunch, you are likely to eat less at your Thanksgiving meal.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Drinking enough water is essential to your daily health and well-being, but it can be hard to remember to drink enough on a busy holiday. Make sure you’re staying hydrated by setting an alarm or reminder in your phone (or even writing it down) to remind yourself to take a few sips every hour or so.

Say “NO” to food pushers.

Aunt Sally’s pralines may be decadent, but don’t let her influence you to eat too many.

Don’t be too hard on yourself.

A splurge here and there won’t hurt you. It’s when they turn into a regular habit that they become an issue. If you splurge on Thanksgiving, try to balance the rest of your week with healthy options. And don’t beat yourself up if you had some extra pie.

About Jackson Healthcare for Women

Jackson Healthcare for Women is Mississippi’s leading provider of health care services for women. With 15 physicians on staff, Jackson Healthcare for Women is one of the largest and most respected women’s healthcare clinics in the area.


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